News & Events

Apply for a seed grant through December 16, 2013
Kids have been fidgeting nervously at doctors' offices since the needle was invented, but it took one mother with a background in pain research and a wailing son to find a solution for needle phobia.
Medical Devices Fall Short for Children
The development of surgical tools and medical devices designed for children lags a decade behind device development for adults.
CellScope Oto(TM) Featured on Colbert Report
developed in the Georgia Tech/Emory lab of Wilbur Lam, assistant professor
Biomedial Innovation and Development Conference
This conference has been postponed to a date TBA later in 2013.
A great opportunity to Learn about leading medical device, MDDS, health science and NPD organizations
Imagine not being able to touch a touch-screen device.
Mobile Apps and Clinical Decision Support Technology
A webinar concerning the regulatory landscape for mobile apps
Soon parents may be able to skip the doctor’s visit and receive a diagnosis at home
2013 APDC Competition Awards Announcement
Eight pediatric device projects received awards ranging from $2,500 to $50,000
Pediatric Device Competition Semifinalists Announcement
APDC selects 8 semifinalists for Round 2 of the Pediatric Device Competition
Pediatric Device Workshop and Innovation Competition
Come learn about the new Atlanta Pediatric Device Consortium and/or participate in the competition
Diagnose an ear infection from home?
CellScope says it could happen within a year
New technique to improve blood flow in children born with one functional ventricle shows promise in pilot study
Promising results from a novel surgical connection
Georgia Tech Launches HomeLab
HomeLab will help companies evaluate in-home use of emerging health technologies
Biomedical engineer’s work on platelets wins NSF CAREER Award
Wilbur Lam, MD, PhD, has earned a Faculty Early Career Development award from the NSF
2nd Annual Pediatric Surgery and Technology Research Day
A showcase of pediatric research projects from the Atlanta community
GCMI Opens Medical Device Prototyping and Development Facility
The Global Center for Medical Innovation (GCMI) officially opened its doors on April 18, 2012
Boyan Pushes for Reauthorization of Pediatric Medical Device Legislation
The Pediatric Medical Device Safety and Improvement Act includes important incentives that promote the development of medical devices for children
GCMI Provides Support to Two Medical Device Companies
Two Georgia companies will each receive up to $50,000 in convertible notes
Atlanta biotech developing thinner heart stent
Icon hopes to launch a U.S. clinical trial by year-end
Helping Children: FDA Grant Launches Atlanta Pediatric Device Consortium
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has awarded the Georgia Institute of Technology, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Emory University and Saint Joseph’s Translational Research Institute (SJTRI) a two-year, $1.8 million grant to foster the development of medical devices focused on the special needs of children.
FDA awards three grants to stimulate development of pediatric medical devices
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced the awards of three grants to boost the development and availability of medical devices for children.
Researchers are Developing Technologies to Improve the Treatment for Premature Fusion of Skull Bones in Children
Researchers in the Atlanta-based Center for Pediatric Healthcare Technology Innovation are developing imaging techniques designed to predict whether a child's skull bones are likely to grow back together too quickly after surgery.