
The Pediatric Device Innovation Competition provides a competitive opportunity for the Atlanta scientific and business community (scientists, clinicians, faculty, investigators, researchers, clinical residents/fellows, medical, graduate and undergraduate students, and entrepreneurs) to develop a pediatric medical device concept benefitting from the expertise and infrastructure of the APDC.


The Pediatric Device Innovation Competition objective is to assist project ideas that can benefit from the product development pathway of the Atlanta Pediatric Device Consortium in the design, development, clinical evaluation and commercialization of new devices for pediatric healthcare. (Note: the FDA classifies “pediatric” patients as those from birth to 21 years.)


APDC is seeking proposals from inventors in medical institutions, clinics, private healthcare practitioners, as well as the business community, who have medical device concept/ideas for use in pediatric patients. The presenter in the grant competition should be the inventor or one of the inventors of the concept/idea.


Awards from $5,000 to $50,000 will be made depending on the complexity of the device and its stage in development. The APDC Seed Grant Review Committee is composed of representatives from the APDC executive board, experienced investment and clinical consultants.
In 2011, six seed grants were awarded to inventors, healthcare practitioners and small companies.

2012 Round 1 AGENDA


Competition Guidelines